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Who actually tips back when they receive a tip?


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Who all has hit a nice win an wanted to share it so decided to tip, but never get any in return?

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Most people are just greedy as shit. I share a lot sometimes, with very few people ever giving back.

Here's a couple screenshots of a recent beggar for example. Was I to hard on this bottom feeding piece of trash u think? 🙄😅🤣



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Sounds like you're into docking. Eww. ðŸ¤£

  On 10/14/2022 at 7:50 AM, Zinugueehwb said:


Me tip for tip


The docking remark, was to you. @Zinugueehwb

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They most times just keep begging for more.. no shame some people.

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  On 10/16/2022 at 6:29 AM, TheVastMajor said:

They most times just keep begging for more.. no shame some people.


Yep. Greedy dam bastards... and i can't believe no ones remarked about my screenshot... ðŸ˜…

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  On 10/16/2022 at 6:46 AM, Maelstrom said:

Yep. Greedy dam bastards... and i can't believe no ones remarked about my screenshot... ðŸ˜…


The nerve.. 🤣😂

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Hahah the screenshots and I'm tired of Being screwed for Being nice when I hit a big lick.

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